Classroom Keys/Access

For security purposes, all technology classroom doors are kept locked. See the table below to find out what kind of key you need to access your classroom. There are three types of keys:

CRSM and OC1 Keys

  1. Submit a key request to Facilities Management. (more information)
  2. Wait for access approval.
  3. Pick up your classroom key from Facilities Management.

Proximity Card

  1. Email to request proximity access for your classroom.
  2. Wait for access approval.
  3. Use your University ID card to open the classroom door.

Building Access

Building Type of Key/Access
Batten Arts & Letters Building (BAL) Proximity Card
Chemistry Building (CHM) Proximity Card
Constant Hall (CONST) OC1 Key
Diehn Fine and Performing Arts Center (DIEHN) Proximity Card
Education Building (ED) Proximity Card
Dragas Hall (DRGS) Proximity Card
Health Sciences Building (HLTH) Proximity Card
Kaufman Hall (KAUF) CRSM Key
Mills Godwin Building (MGB) CRSM Key
Oceanography and Physics Building (OCNPS) CRSM Key
Peninsula Higher Education Center (PHEC)  
Physical Sciences Building II (PSII) Proximity Card
Student Recreation Center (SRC) Proximity Card
Tri-Cities Higher Education Center (TCHEC)  
Virginia Beach Higher Education Center (VBHEC)  
Visual Arts Building (VAB) Proximity Card